Victoria Goodman
Certified Bowen Therapist
Title: Can you get rid of chronic pain and improve health with a block of wood?
Biography: Victoria Goodman
- Drug Free Pain Therapy
- Exercise, size management
- Meditation, proper diaphragmatic breath training. Using breath as a guide to facing our pain while working deep in the connective tissue.
How Does Block Therapy Actually Work? What are the Benefits? Commonly asked questions
- How does it help me lose weight?
- How does block help varicose veins and cellulite?
- How can this create lasting relief of pain?
- Can block therapy reverse aging?
- How does it work on menopause? fascia as an endocrine system?
- How does it improve breast health?
- How does it affect Stress, Sleep, Athletic injuries, Fibromyalgia? Live Video Testimonials from well-known people in the Industry
R.N. Shelley Elhatton, David Wolfe, Professional Golfers, Body Builders Live Demonstration of Victoria Teaching a Class
Conclusion: Summary of Main Pts. Fluid Isometrics and Fascia and the Block as cutting edge, straight to the bone, Holistic Therapy, but so important, with un- limited indications. A new method for pain therapy without drugs or pills.
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