Dr.Kameshwarnath Singh
Ayurveda Banaras Hindu University Varanasi
Title: Enhancing The Quality Of Health and Wellness by Ayurveda
Biography: Dr.Kameshwarnath Singh
As defined by WHO – Health is a“State of complete physical, mental and social well being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” whereas wellness is the state of living a healthy life style and its aim is to enhance personal wellbeing. For healthy life cycle people need to have a balanced diet and to do yoga regularly. Our social environment and public cleanliness is an important factor for promoting individual health. Ayurveda is the Science of Life. Ayurveda treatment maily includes ahara, aushadha, vihara i.e. Exercise, Meditation, Pranayama(Breathing Exercise). There is close relationship between three Doshas and Health. If any dosha gets imbalanced, different diseases occur. According to WHO about 70-80 % of world population believe on alternative medicines, mainly of herbal source in their health care. With the increasing incidence of chronic diseases and for promoting better healthcare, there is a need of combination of Ayurveda and mainstream medicine. We should initially follow pathya-apathya ahara, vihara(Yoga, pranayama, Dincharya & Ritucharya), Meditation then Ayurvedic Panchakarma procedure followed by Medicines, Rasayana drugs and to follow the treatment protocol which mentioned in charak and Sushruta Samhita text . Regular meditation and yoga keeps our mind calm and panchakarma procedure rejuvenate and detoxify the body.