Kazuko Tatsumura
Gaia Holistic Health
Graduated from Toho Academy of Music in Tokyo, as a pianist and composer, invited by the Boston Symphony, she came to the USA in 1961 as one of the first Japanese women. She then received Master of Art from New York University and finished her Ph.D. credits in Philosophy in 1965. In 1967, Tatsumura then turned to an independent career and became the top International Classical and Cultural Impresario/producer. Until 1992, she produced an average of 2,000 cultural events each year, traveling to more than 140 countries. She was presented with numerous honors for her work. She studied Oriental Traditional Medicine of Japan, Korea, Taiwan and China. In 2,000 she received her PHD and OMD from the International Academy of Education in Tokyo. She established the Oki-Do Holistic Health Center in 1994 in NY and in 2001 the GAIA Holistic Center (501C3 nonprofit organization)at the wake of 9/11 tragedy, for body mind and spirit, aiming for the noninvasive natural healing methods based on the wisdom of the East. Dr. Kazuko Tatsumura has written numerous articles and several books: FE “Overcoming Cancer and Other Diseases in a Holistic Wayâ€, “Your Immune Revolution & Healing Your Healing Power “(with Toru Abo, M.D.) Dr. Kazuko has been invited as a speaker at World Congresses of Holistic Health. She teaches and lectures all over the world. She has received many honors from different countries, many for humanitarian causes. She is well known as a philanthropist.
Research Interest
Rheumatoid Arthritis, Cancer etc.